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I know, another recipe. I’m trying to avoid posting recipes two days in a row, but I really wanted to link up with Amanda’s Thinking out Loud series tomorrow so I did a little switcheroo. Forgive me.

I wish I could take credit for this recipe, but I can’t. Well I can sort of take credit since it’s based on my Spicy Peanut Slaw recipe, but the brilliant idea to wrap it into rice paper rolls goes entirely to C’s sister Lo. Hi Lo! I miss you, and we will make it out to SF this year! p.s. your brother gave me the plague and then ditched me for Montreal. How lame is that?

shrimp and mango rolls 4As I mentioned in Monday’s post, nothing makes me happier than hearing you enjoyed one of my recipes. It’s that much sweeter when it comes from someone who is basically family. Lo emailed me last week telling me how much she enjoyed the salad and suggested I try wrapping it in rice paper rolls and using the dressing as a dipping sauce. Genius!

I feel incredibly blessed to have been welcomed into C’s family with open arms. Even though there is a .02% chance I’ll be hitting the trails for some cross country skiing with them, they accept me for who I am, something which I am unbelievably grateful for.

spicy peanut sauceBack to the rolls. Don’t be intimidated by them! The first time I tried to make rice paper rolls I’m pretty sure the video I watched was in Vietnamese. I was also majorly hungry which resulted in a mini-kitchen meltdown. But two years later (and not a rice paper roll made since) I seem to have mastered the science behind them. They’re actually super easy once you’ve accepted the fact that your first one will suck. Kind of like pancakes. Never bank on the first one being photo-worthy.

Now, once you’ve accepted this, follow my tutorial (in English, I need to brush up on my Vietnamese) and I promise you will make your guests think you spent hours making these.

Mango Shrimp Rolls with Spicy Peanut Sauce

by The Healthy Maven

Prep Time: 25 mins

gluten-free, shrimp, mango, vietnamese, peanut

Ingredients (Yields: 18 rolls)

For the rolls:

  • 1 bag broccoli slaw (you only need about half or around 3 cups)
  • 1 mango, peeled and sliced into strips
  • 1 lb peeled and cooked mini shrimp (I used frozen and thawed)
  • 18 rice paper rolls

For the spicy peanut sauce:

  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • ¼ onion, diced
  • 2 T ginger, minced
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ tsp curry powder
  • ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
  • 1 ½ T rice wine vinegar
  • ½ cup smooth natural peanut butter
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • ¼ cup tamari (or soy sauce)
  • 1 ½ tsp sesame oil
  • ½ cup water
  • ½ tsp salt


1. Thaw shrimp and set aside.

2. Take a piece of rice paper and hold it under warm-hot water for 5 seconds on each side.

3. Place paper on parchment or a silicone lined sheet and let sit for 30 seconds.

4. Add a small handful of broccoli sprouts (I ball-parked it), a piece of mango and 5-6 mini shrimp in the center of the paper about 2 inches up from the bottom.

rice paper roll 15. Fold one side over to meet the middle and then fold over the other side.

rice paper roll 26. Take the bottom and fold over the slaw/mango/shrimp and tuck it in tightly. Begin rolling the paper from the bottom until you reach the top.

rice paper roll 3

7. Repeat to make 18 rolls.

rice paper roll 4For the spicy peanut sauce:

8. Cook onion in olive oil over medium heat until translucent (about 3 minutes).

9. Add in ginger and garlic and cook for another minute.

10. Stir in spices for one more minute.

11. Begin adding in liquid ingredients and once fully combined add salt.

12. Cook for a few minutes until well combined.

13. Remove from heat and let cool for at least 10 minutes.

14. Add mixture to a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.

15. Serve immediately with spicy peanut sauce on the side.

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shrimp and mango rolls 3

Have you ever made rice paper rolls? Are you close with your in-laws or significant other’s family?

Meet the Maven

Hi! I'm Davida and welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a wellness blogger, yoga teacher, certified herbalist, and green beauty lover.

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  1. I love rice paper rolls! I actually just made some last week! But no matter how many times I make them, mine always seem to suck. I like getting my sister to make mine if she’s around because hers always come out so nicely haha.

  2. Yum! The peanut sauce looks amazing!!! I need to make shrimp or veggie rolls I always order them in restaurants!

    1. I know, me too! I think C and I single-handedly kept a vietnamese restaurant open because of our addiction!

  3. We buy shrimp rolls at least once a week. I know it’d be cheaper to make them, but you know how only your first one sucks? My second, third and fourth would suck too 🙂 The rice paper is intimidating. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

  4. This seems super delicious and a tad too technical for me. I’m a spaz with stuff like this. Water the rice paper, but what if I water it too long? Not long enough? gaahh! This is why I let Riley cook for me, haha.

  5. These look great, but imma let you make them for me! I’m too lazy! I need to fill you in on everything now that I’m back for a week!

    1. YES YOU DO. I need deets on everything. My life is exactly the same so send me an email with all the deets!

  6. Post recipes as often as you like – they are all so delicious looking that I don’t think anyone will ever get tired of them!!
    This one looks incredible – I’ve never used those paper rolls but I think it could be fun (and a huge mess if I get the boys involved!!).
    In-laws – it isn’t that we fight but they have never fully accepted me.

  7. Yes! Awesome recipe!! I made rice paper rolls for the first time this past summer. It was a mission. I had to go to China town to find the rice paper rolls and then spent about 30 minutes in the store looking for the darn things. And, like you pointed out, they don’t always come out looking beautiful. But I managed to get the hang of it. And by that I mean that I made my husband do it because he has more patience for things like that.

    I love my husband’s sisters. They are both so great! I used to hang out with them a lot when we lived in Sydney but now not so much.

    1. I’m shocked you couldn’t find them anywhere closer! I think I bought them at those Asian grocery marts? M & M or something like that?!

      For the record the first time I made rice paper rolls C totally stepped in. He also stepped in when I tried to do a sock bun….yes my boyfriend did a sock bun for me!