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I’m feeling the loooooooove today! I’ve got my red pants on (sweatpants, you know I don’t wear “real” pants), the house is decked out with chocolate and cinnamon hearts and Louman is filled with cookies!

As I’ve mentioned, Valentine’s Day is my favourite day of the year! I’ll be spending it doing what I do best, making balls.

But tonight I am planning a romantic dinner with my lovahhhh. By planning I mean I have yet to think of what I’m going to make and unless I rush to the grocery store post-work, we may be eating lava cake for dinner. I’m okay with that.

the-great-vday-bakeoffMore than anything I am excited to be spending Valentine’s Day with C. While we have had V-Day dates in the past, we’ve never been together on the actual holiday.

As requested, here’s our story 🙂

Despite having gone to school together for four years, C and I only met each other on my graduation night. And because life works in the cruelest of ways, I moved to NYC the next day. Maybe not love at first sight, but certainly infatuation. After 5 days together (across a 5 month time-span) I met his parents, day 6 he was my boyfriend and day 10 I was with his family for Christmas. Despite the inconvenience of NYC-San Francisco, NYC-Montreal and Toronto-Montreal, we have found a way to make our relationship work. Finally 2.5 years later we are living in the same city. I’m excited to celebrate this milestone (without any furniture) and how fortunate I am to have found the love of my life.

Now to celebrate my love for all of you I am hosting my first ever link-up! Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you may have noticed that each day this week I posted a different sweet treat to share with your Valentine, whoever they are! And even better, all of them are healthy!

Now I’m passing the torch to you. I am SO excited to see what delicious treats you came up with and who you will be sharing them with. But before I do, let’s recap this week.

On Sunday, we got the ball rolling with some Double Chocolate Cherry Cookies and I introduced you to my most prized possession, my cookie jar named Louman.

double chocolate cherry cookiesMonday was all about breakfast! You didn’t think I’d do a bake-off without including breakfast right? Of course I made my all-time favourite with a twist, Banana Fosters Cinnamon Rolls!

banana fosters cinnamon rollsWednesday I listened to your requests and shared my love to my fellow bloggers with these Coconut Oatmeal Lace Cookies

Coconut Oatmeal Lace Cookies copieAnd on Thursday I took back everything I said about lemon and finished with a bang with these Black Bean Lava Cakes.

Black Bean Lava CakeNow it’s your turn! You have until Sunday to link-up with your Healthy Valentine’s Day Treats. I cannot wait to check each one of them out!

the great valentines day bake-off

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Meet the Maven

Hi! I'm Davida and welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a wellness blogger, yoga teacher, certified herbalist, and green beauty lover.

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  1. I wish I had seen this beforehand but you got so many great participants! Your lemon swiss roll just screams EAT ME!

  2. Awesome job hosting the link-up!! I was travelling when this went live and I practically had a meltdown looking for an internet connection! Haha! But I made it in time! 🙂 I love seeing what everyone is making!

    Also, I enjoyed your love story! Happy Valentine’s Day!