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First off, THM wants to say thank you for all of your wonderful birthday wishes! Yes, I consider my blog it’s own entity. No, I’m not ashamed of this. But fo realz you guys are awesome. I may or may not have cried.

Back to today’s recipe. We’re talking oats. I’m fairly certain the last time we talked oats I was complaining of sweltering weather and training for a half-marathon. Those days are loooooong gone, but fortunately the oatmeal is still kicking. I took a little hiatus from my morning oats after the copious amounts of granola I made sucked me in (for the record granola is now officially banned since I cannot control myself), but I’m back on the warm oatmeal train and I’m feeling gooooood.

mocha overnight oatsYou know what else makes me feel good? Coffee. My introduction to coffee was so cliche…Starbucks. A grande sugar-free hazelnut soy cafe misto to be exact. Otherwise known as, my life’s savings. But then I decided to become a psych major in my third year which entailed 14 psych courses in 2 years and the harder stuff was required. By harder I’m talking grande bold black. Don’t worry people, I only get high on life.

mocha overnight oats 2Deep into my coffee addiction I came across the anti-coffee camp and I had a freak out that I was single-handedly destroying my health. Naturally, my obsessive self took to tea and began building what might be considered the world’s largest tea collection (50+ teas). I love tea and I always will but I’ve recently discovered that I am actually a better person after coffee. I’m nicer, more patient, increasingly productive and just plain happier.

So just like my oats, coffee is back. I figured I may as well combine the two in this Mocha Overnight Oats recipe.

Mocha Overnight Oats

by The Healthy Maven

Prep Time: 5 mins

Cook Time: Overnight (at least 6 hours)

Keywords: no-bake breakfast gluten-free dairy-free chocolate oats mocha

Ingredients (serves: 1)

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats (gluten-free if necessary)
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 ripe banana, sliced and chopped
  • 1 tsp honey/maple syrup/ agave/other sweetener (or omit if you don’t like too sweet)
  • 1/2 cup brewed coffee


1. Brew coffee using preferred method.

2. Add oats, cocoa powder, and chia seeds to a medium mason jar or air-tight container.

3. Add in bananas, honey and coffee.

4. Cover and shake until well combined.

5. Place in refrigerator overnight or for at least 6 hours.

6. Eat cold or heat up in the microwave for 1 minute.

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Featured on: Wellness Weekends
mocha overnight oats 3

Coffee or tea? Do you go through breakfast phases?

Meet the Maven

Hi! I'm Davida and welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a wellness blogger, yoga teacher, certified herbalist, and green beauty lover.

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  1. I am gone for one weekend (JUST ONE!) and I come back to your blog and you’ve posted all this incredible posts! Davida, don’t throw so much amazingness at me at once, okay? 😉 I love overnight oats and I love coffee – duh, this is so perfect! Cannot wait to try, I have a feeling this will become a staple in my breakfast rotation!

  2. Mostly tea…something about coffee that does like my system, which makes me very sad! For some odd reason, I want to be the kind of person that wakes up and drinks her cup of coffee. Weird goal, I know. And phases happen all the time with my eating, and even with our meal plan. I think phases make grocery shopping easier.

    1. definitely!! Although everytime I do a big grocery shop I end up craving totally different food halfway through the week…Get into more of a food rut is my goal lol

  3. I make this in hotel rooms all the time! It’s a hack version, using chocolate protein powder that I bring… I need to to try your gourmet one at home. It looks amazing!

  4. Tea drinker all the way! Years ago when I was a coffee addict I would have loved this recipe but now I would love them as chocolate oats only minus the coffee << Total fusspot right here.

    I am in friggin love with the adorable serving dish you used to put it in, too cute 🙂

    1. Aw thanks Jan!!! I feel like I read an email from you in my sleep last night…I need to check my phone!

      1. Lol yep I’ve sent you a couple of emails but all good, I figure you’ve been busy. One was forwarding on an email addressed to you but sent to me asking to guest post 😉

  5. I’m not normally an overnight oats fan, but perhaps that’s because I’ve never tried them with chocolate???