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And then there’s the blog. I’m not going to pretend like I don’t have aspirations for it. I love this little space of mine and I love being a part of the blogging world. I do not anticipate blogging ever becoming a full-time gig, but food props can get expensive so the pocket change I make from ads helps to pay for those. I do, however see it as a platform to many different opportunities that will hopefully present themselves along my journey. I do NOT blog for the money. Blogging is my release, it’s what I look forward to at the end of the day and has connected me to unbelievably inspiring and talented friends around the world. I could not be more grateful to every single one of you who shows up here everyday. ” -December 2013 from “If Not Now, When?”

This quote was written 8 months ago but quite honestly it feels like I wrote it in a different century. I had just quit my steady full-time job as a research assistant, had lined up a part-time gig working for a start-up snack company called Kewaza and was hoping the fill in the blanks with whatever life planned to throw at me. Emphasis on “hope”. It did not occur to me that blogging could ever become a full-time job. I made marginal income from ads (we’re talking less than $5 a day) that made it impossible to ever live off of it unless I found a way to turn THM into a profitable business.

I definitely enjoyed working with Kewaza and learned a lot about the food industry in a very short period of time. I also learned that I am not interested in selling a physical product, a concept I had toyed with for a little while (Maven’s Bakery died a quick death…sorry!). At the same time I came to realize that blogging was how I wanted to spend my free-time. So instead of looking for another part-time job which might bring in more steady income, I decided to treat blogging like one. I set up a content calendar, I researched ways to improve my social media and audience reach and eventually started to see some success. So much so that I no longer had time to commit to Kewaza and I decided to bite the bullet and take on THM as a full-time job.

And yes, I was and still am terrified.

In many ways my story is unfolding alongside this blog. This is pretty evident in the number of times my “About Me” page has changed (I wish I had saved the older versions!). I want a place where I can chronicle this journey and have you guys be along for the ride. After all, THM would be nothing without you! I also hope that my own leap of faith can inspire you to take the plunge in your own life whether it be in turning your blog into a business or in an entirely different industry.

I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined that I would one day be running my own business, let alone that business being my blog. I knew from the day I started blogging that I had found my passion. I discovered a creative side to myself which I never knew existed. I found something that challenged me but didn’t discourage me and eventually I found myself a job I love.

Those of you who know me from outside the blogging world are almost always shocked by what I do. There’s the fact that I don’t have the most conventional job on the market, and then there’s the whole “Davs I thought you were a psych major who planned to go to medical school and knows nothing about business”? So did I.

It’s true, I’ve never taken a business course in my life. I have no experience with starting a business nor did I expect I ever would, but here I am running a successful (albeit small!) business. If I’ve learned anything in my very short time blogging “professionally” it’s that if you feel passionate about something you are unstoppable. I have and I am certain I will continue to make mistakes. But I learn from them and try to do better the next time.

So far so good.

photographingI would love to hear what you guys want to see as part of this series! The pros? The cons? How I earn money? Let me know!

What is your dream job? Would you consider yourself an entrepreneur?

Meet the Maven

Hi! I'm Davida and welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a wellness blogger, yoga teacher, certified herbalist, and green beauty lover.

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  1. This is all very interesting for me to read because I would absolutely love to blog full time. I can see my blog growing and each month I’m making more and more money off of it, but with three kids and a mortgage, it’s not realistic at this point. Maybe one day, though!!

    1. I totally get it. And that is something that everyone needs to consider, what are your circumstances. I am lucky in that I don’t have a family to support so taking a huge leap of faith will not lead to horrible ramifications if I fail. It will all fall on me, and no one else. It was also the reason why I knew that now was the time to take a major risk. It’s definitely a big thing to consider!

  2. I love that you have evolved and gone with your passion and followed your heart – I think that is why you are a success – the business skills will come as you grow more and more!!!

  3. Would love to see how you earn money! As much as I love blogging it has taken a back seat because well its a hobby and I can’t spend all that much time on it between working a real job, training and being a normal 22 year old.

    1. Totally get it. Blogging started taking up so much of my time that I had to make a decision on if I wanted to pull back or go full-force. Decided to take that leap of faith. I promise to keep you posted on how it’s going!

  4. I remember that comment well lady – but to discover “a creative side to (yourself) which (You) never knew existed” and to have found “something that challenged (You) but didn’t discourage (You) and eventually (finding) a job (You) love” is simply priceless! Kudos in a Big huge way for being able to make this into a full time gig!
    I would LOVE to know more – how you were able to generate enough income? if you do any online marketing thru companies?
    P.S….So proud of you!

    1. Thank you, lovely! You are doing fabulous yourself! Will definitely be filling you guys in on how it’s going and where I am making my money from. Hope it can be helpful!

  5. Wahoo! Super happy for you, lady! 😀 And it’s freaking crazy, eh? I honestly never would have imagined that I’d actually be able to become a full-time blogger at some point, but lo and behold… it’s happening 😯 And I think what I love most about it is all the opportunities out there. Blogging is such great platform for wherever you want to take it… and that’s crazy exciting 😀

  6. I think it is soo fabulous that you have been able to turn your blog into your business! You are doing what you love and makes you happy and it shows in your writing!

  7. Congratulations on your “new” business!!!!! I wish you all the best with your blog!!!! 🙂

  8. Your an inspiration to ME! I really hope I can follow in your footsteps and have blogging be MY full time job! I HATE my job!!! I was NEVER creative either, but once I started my blog (a YEAR ago already?!), I found out how much I LOVE writing and that I AM a tiny bit creative…I’d love to hear how you make money – that really is my next step, but not sure how to even START making money! OR growing my readers…They are growing, but it seems really slow.

    1. Keep at it lady! Never give up on making your dreams come true. I know that sounds SO corny but it’s the truth. If you want it enough and work hard for it, anything is possible. Always here to answer your questions! Will have more info on how I was able to make this transition in the coming weeks!

  9. Congratulations on making what you’re passionate about your ‘job’. I’d love to hear more about how you earn a full-time-job income and how you set up your editorial calendar. I could be so much more organized when it comes to my blog.

    1. Ha it’s funny you say that because I am only now getting organized with blogging! Wish I had started earlier so I hope my lessons learned will be helpful to others. Will keep you posted!

  10. Very, very proud of you! I didn’t know that you weren’t doing the Kewaza thing anymore (hence my questions to you the other day), but i am not surprised. I STRONGLY believe that if you’re filling a need and you’re good at what you do, you can be successful. It’s something I struggle with personally with my own blog – I’m terrible at doing things “for fun” haha, but maybe blogging is a lesson in that for me. I’d love to hear about strategies that you’ve found for growing your following and any tips you want to share! I think that stuff is so interesting!

    1. You my dear will certainly fill a need and be INCREDIBLE at what you do. I am referring to you being my person psychologist… lol kidding. I know you will do amazing things in this world! Happy to share everything I have learned. Much more to come! xoox