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And then there’s the blog. I’m not going to pretend like I don’t have aspirations for it. I love this little space of mine and I love being a part of the blogging world. I do not anticipate blogging ever becoming a full-time gig, but food props can get expensive so the pocket change I make from ads helps to pay for those. I do, however see it as a platform to many different opportunities that will hopefully present themselves along my journey. I do NOT blog for the money. Blogging is my release, it’s what I look forward to at the end of the day and has connected me to unbelievably inspiring and talented friends around the world. I could not be more grateful to every single one of you who shows up here everyday. ” -December 2013 from “If Not Now, When?”

This quote was written 8 months ago but quite honestly it feels like I wrote it in a different century. I had just quit my steady full-time job as a research assistant, had lined up a part-time gig working for a start-up snack company called Kewaza and was hoping the fill in the blanks with whatever life planned to throw at me. Emphasis on “hope”. It did not occur to me that blogging could ever become a full-time job. I made marginal income from ads (we’re talking less than $5 a day) that made it impossible to ever live off of it unless I found a way to turn THM into a profitable business.

I definitely enjoyed working with Kewaza and learned a lot about the food industry in a very short period of time. I also learned that I am not interested in selling a physical product, a concept I had toyed with for a little while (Maven’s Bakery died a quick death…sorry!). At the same time I came to realize that blogging was how I wanted to spend my free-time. So instead of looking for another part-time job which might bring in more steady income, I decided to treat blogging like one. I set up a content calendar, I researched ways to improve my social media and audience reach and eventually started to see some success. So much so that I no longer had time to commit to Kewaza and I decided to bite the bullet and take on THM as a full-time job.

And yes, I was and still am terrified.

In many ways my story is unfolding alongside this blog. This is pretty evident in the number of times my “About Me” page has changed (I wish I had saved the older versions!). I want a place where I can chronicle this journey and have you guys be along for the ride. After all, THM would be nothing without you! I also hope that my own leap of faith can inspire you to take the plunge in your own life whether it be in turning your blog into a business or in an entirely different industry.

I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined that I would one day be running my own business, let alone that business being my blog. I knew from the day I started blogging that I had found my passion. I discovered a creative side to myself which I never knew existed. I found something that challenged me but didn’t discourage me and eventually I found myself a job I love.

Those of you who know me from outside the blogging world are almost always shocked by what I do. There’s the fact that I don’t have the most conventional job on the market, and then there’s the whole “Davs I thought you were a psych major who planned to go to medical school and knows nothing about business”? So did I.

It’s true, I’ve never taken a business course in my life. I have no experience with starting a business nor did I expect I ever would, but here I am running a successful (albeit small!) business. If I’ve learned anything in my very short time blogging “professionally” it’s that if you feel passionate about something you are unstoppable. I have and I am certain I will continue to make mistakes. But I learn from them and try to do better the next time.

So far so good.

photographingI would love to hear what you guys want to see as part of this series! The pros? The cons? How I earn money? Let me know!

What is your dream job? Would you consider yourself an entrepreneur?

Meet the Maven

Hi! I'm Davida and welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a wellness blogger, yoga teacher, certified herbalist, and green beauty lover.

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  1. So cool and congrats! You’ve found something that takes people a lifetime to find! You should definitely chronicle the nitty-gritty of how you transitioned. I’m so interested to learn more!

    1. Will do! It’s crazy to think about the convo we had in March and now you’re pregs (I guess you already were then!) and I’m blogging full-time. Life moves crazy fast! Here’s to hoping we can keep up with it!

    1. You my dear are amazing! Being surrounded by women like you who aren’t afraid to take the leap is inspiring to me. I wonder where we’ll be a year from now?! Ahhhh that’s crazy to think about!

  2. This is very inspirational and I’m so excited for your journey! I would love to hear how you make money and such, as this is something I’ve considered. I am still trying to find ways to grow my blog and such. I can’t wait to hear how this goes for you. Great job!!

  3. Girl, I have no smart words on this – I simply admire you and I am so so impressed. Keep on talking I wanna hear EVERYTHING.

    1. Careful what you wish for…the only gal who might be able to talk more than you is ME! Although 90% of the time it’s to myself…and I know you can relate lol

  4. I get so excited when people talk about pursuing their dreams and passions. I like to think it’s why you and I connected – we’re similar people in the sense that ‘living an average life’ was NOT OKAY. At least for us.

    My entire life feels like a dream now and I’m beyond grateful. The hardest part was accepting it and letting life reveal itself to me rather than trying to control the outcome.

  5. This is very reminiscent of our conversation yesterday… 🙂
    Seriously, whenever I feel conflicted about blogging/this community I talk to you and you make it all better. It’s so so encouraging to know where you started from with THM and to see how far you’ve come. And to hear you say that you are still learning gives hope to the rest of us. (although hope is literally always on my side in tattoo form lol 😉 )
    Thank you for being an amazing blogger and more importantly a wonderful friend.

    1. BABE! If I had functional tear ducts I would be crying hysterically right now. This comment made me SO happy. I am honoured to call you a friend and cannot wait to watch the amazing things you will do in your life. I’m always always here to chat but make sure you don’t forget about me when you’re a hot shot resto owner! At least comp me a free juice. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

  6. Congrats!! So excited for you and this next phase in your career. I’d love to hear how you went from never thinking you’d be able to go full-time as a blogger to now…I’m where you were in December right now!

    1. Keep at it Taylor! Hard work and determination is hard to compete with. Will definitely be touching on this subject. Hope I can pass what I’ve learned onto my fellow bloggies 🙂

  7. Ah, this is awesome! It’s amazing how quickly things can change for the better. Here’s to your success so far and I can’t wait to see what is in store for the next 8 months (and beyond)!

  8. You know when you visit the registration page for some events there’s sometimes a document entitled: ‘How to convince your spouse/employer/parent/yourself’ to agree to let you go to this event?
    Can you do one of those for blogging? haha
    But seriously, it’s crazy how your life goals can change in the blink of an eye (or in just 8 short months)!
    Congrats on your success and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you 😀

    1. omg this is the best idea ever. I wish there had been a camera in the room when I told my family I was quitting my job to work part-time at a food start-up and then to eventually blog full-time….It wasn’t pretty coming from the girl who was supposed to go to med school. You could have heard a pin drop! You may have inspired a post for me! Thanks girl 🙂

      1. I can imagine. As someone who is currently getting a Math degree at the University of Waterloo but wants nothing to do with math once I graduate, I get how bewildered -sometimes even angry- people (esp. family) can get when you share the direction you actually see your life going…
        Also, can’t wait to read that post when/if you write it!

  9. You’re so inspiring! I want to see anything and everything as part of this series… the pros, the cons, the finances. I’ve definitely found quite a few of your social media tips useful before, so I’d love to hear about your experience as it happens.