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I think I’ve written and rewritten this post at least 10 times. I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, and while the words are there, I’ve had trouble putting them together into a coherent post. I’m not sure I’ll be able to cover everything that I’d like to talk about, but it’s a start.

Friday night I got together with a close friend of mine. Zan and I have been friends since middle school. She is someone who I deeply admire and can always turn to for quality advice. We met up at a wine tasting event called Grand Cru where they were tasting over 200 wines. Thank you brother for being a wine agent/having the best job in the world and getting us in.

In the midst of our catching up I was snapping pictures of the wine, the food and the people (couldn’t find Goldie Hawn or Kiefer). I was smiling, I was laughing, I was eating and drinking what I wanted and I truly felt at ease. Unfortunately this version of me, the best version of me, hasn’t always been around.

I’ve always had an incessant, borderline compulsive need to plan. It’s a coping mechanism for me. When life gets crazy, as it inevitably does, I’ve turned to planning as a means of control. Planning meant consistency and predictability and I’d plan every second of my day to a T. The majority of my planning was focused on diet and exercise e.g. 5:00 AM runs, Sunday food preps, Tuesday yoga etc… While this helped me to get through some challenging times, it also left me incredibly stressed out. No matter how many people or how many times I was told to relax, I was not willing to listen. I would freak out if life deviated from “the plan”, even if that plan only existed in my head.

My stomach has always been the first to react when I’m feeling stressed out. Though I was eating a perfectly clean diet and exercising 6 days a week my stomach still continued to react badly to almost everything I ate. I tried eliminating every food under the sun, which ultimately stressed me out even more because I felt I needed to cook everything. I turned down social invitations. I refused alcohol. Meeting a friend for a wine tasting just wasn’t an option. I was following the plan. And I was unhappy.

It took me up until about few months ago to realize this was the source of my unhappiness. That I was leading a rigid and overly-planned life and I was missing out on all life’s beauty that happens in those unplanned moments. That all of these foods I’d eliminated and all of the exercise I was pushing myself through in an attempt to be “healthy” was stressing me out. And my body was trying every way to tell me this. I was preaching that healthy meant balance when deep down I knew my life was the furthest thing from balanced.

The reality is that I am young. So young. I basically have zero responsibilities and now is the time I should be having fun and letting the chips fall as they may. I can worry about planning once I have a family and other people’s lives to organize but for now I want to let go of the reigns. I want to workout when I want to and if I have the time, not because it’s scheduled. And I want to meal prep if I feel like cooking, not because it’s Sunday. I want to go out late and come home late. I want to make mistakes, and then I want to try to not make them again. I want to relax. I want to do all of these things, because I can. They say that “youth is wasted on the young”. I don’t want to look back in 20 years and wish I’d done things differently.

I got home Friday night after wine tasting with Zan and I truly felt comfortable with myself. I overdosed on cheese and drank too much wine and when I woke up Saturday morning surprisingly stomach ache-free and hangover-less I went to yoga, because I wanted to. It’s crazy how all the things that stress you out in life, the stomach aches, the injuries all seem to resolve when you just relax.

These past few months have been difficult and challenging, but for the first time in a long time I feel happy. My definition of healthy has changed and inevitably the blog will change. You won’t be hearing me blog about my weekly meal prep or workouts, my diet-du-jour or anything that starts with a p and ends in lan. What you can expect are some delicious and healthy recipes, the occasional indulgent one and perhaps a recap of nights I don’t actually remember. I’m trying this whole “fly by the seat of your pants” deal. I hope you’ll join me for the ride.

Have you ever found yourself overly planning your life? 

Meet the Maven

Hi! I'm Davida and welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a wellness blogger, yoga teacher, certified herbalist, and green beauty lover.

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  1. Davida, you can be SO proud of yourself! Being an overplanner myself in many aspects of life I can relate so well to how hard letting go and just going with whatever happens is. Deep within I know that right now is the time I should be enjoying every opportunity I can get but I’m … scared (?). Of what? I’m not sure. Maybe yes, because planning – like for you – is one of my coping mechanisms. “Protecting” myself from unknown hurdles – but also from possibly fun happenings. Sigh.
    It’s great to see and hear how awesome your spontaneity felt this past weekend!
    Definitely joining you for the ride [blog-wise] – also in hopes some of your newfound relaxed approach might rub off on me :). Thanks for you honesty and wise words!

  2. I am coping with some of the same issues, friend! Thank you for being so open and honest in your post. Realizing that there is a triggor/issue sometimes is very difficut for me and I admire people who identify these things and own it (something I am still working on).
    My stomach responds to all kinds of crazy things and it’s a daily struggle for me. My stress and anxiety level is often very high and I don’t even notice it! It’s become my “normal”. My fiancee notices things like I bite my lip or fidget with my hands….I get super quiet when I am nervous.
    THANK YOU for sharing this today! It’s a great reminder that I don’t always need to plan and that sometimes it’s okay (and healthier/happier) to go with the flow 🙂

    <3 Karen @karenlovestorun

  3. Oh lady I overplan like nobodies business and can totally relate to this!! Well done for writing this post and getting it down on paper how you are feeling.

    I think us over planners definitely like to know how things are going to ‘play out’ and by planning them we almost feel like we can predict how they will. But knowing too much in advance and overplanning really can suck the fun out of things and can also make you forget to just enjoy the moment you are in (something I know I am guilty of).

    <3 this post, always happy to email you about what has helped me somewhat stop overplanning.

  4. I love this post and can definitely relate! I am also an incessant planner and always try to accomplish way too many things! I find myself having mini breakdowns from time to time and always realize I need to simplify and just enjoy life. I wish you the best of luck!

  5. Love this for so many reasons!! Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed – I think that sometimes we over-plan the fun out of everything!!! I was much older when I truly learned this – actually I had kids already and I realized that I was keeping them from enjoying some things because it didn’t fit into my original plan – oops, can’t undo but I can make sure not to repeat!!

  6. I am in. All in. Cheers to being perfectly imbalanced 😉

    p.s. I appreciate the honesty of your post. It makes you real. xo

  7. This is so honest and open! It’s hard to admit when you need to take a step back but I can definitely sympathize with how you feel because I’m somewhat the same way. So glad you are finding a healthy balance that leaves you happy 🙂

  8. I love this post! I feel like we are all under pressure to try to be so “perfect” in this world, with our healthy meal plans and workout plans. But the truth is, we can never be perfect, and we just have to try our best to live healthy, be happy, and love people.

  9. Good for you! I know it sounds backwards, but for a planner to NOT plan, well… it takes a lot of work! You can do it though. Relax and enjoy life girl – you deserve it!

  10. I can relate to this post very well! I like a good plan but over the years I’ve learned that flying by the seat of your pants IS a really good thing. It’s called living your life not planning your life!