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Have you ever wondered how to make crispy baked french fries without them burning? Here’s my trick to the ultimate french fries recipe without going near a deep fryer!

Have you ever wondered how to make crispy baked french fries without them burning? Here's my trick to the ultimate french fries recipe without going near a deep fryer!Ever since I turned my hobby into a job, I’ve been on the lookout for a new hobby to occupy my non-existent spare-time. At one point I was considering trying out an instrument (realized I had no musical talent…), and then decided I wanted to learn how to code (got too frustrated…) so I gave up and wrote off having hobbies.

Little did I realize that I’ve had a secret hobby all along that was staring me right in the face.


I know, I know, potatoes aren’t technically a hobby. But when you dedicate countless hours of your week to perfecting the perfect potato, it’s about as close as I’ve come to a hobby since starting the blog. This was even true when I first started the blog. One of my very first posts was my version of the Perfect Roasted Potatoes. Needless-to-say, I have a real passion for potatoes.

Over the years I’ve been working on masterminding how to make crispy baked french fries as though they just came out of the deep fryer. My very real obsession with this is how I discovered I do in fact have a hobby. Allow me to teach you all about it…

Have you ever wondered how to make crispy baked french fries without them burning? Here's my trick to the ultimate french fries recipe without going near a deep fryer!

How to Make Crispy Baked French Fries – In the Oven!

I’ll admit that I mastered the crispy potato years ago, but the whole “soaking potatoes in water, boiling, and then roasting” method is just too time-consuming…even for me. And so I considered how I might be able to achieve the same results with 1/2 the effort.

Cue avocado oil.

The trick to making the perfect crispy baked french fries is avocado oil.

Avocado oil is the not-so-sweet cooking oil equivalent of coconut oil. For as much as I love coconut oil, I don’t necessarily love all of my food tasting like coconut. So I often find myself using olive oil, which is not always the best for cooking since it has a low smoke point. This means that it’s nutritional benefits are entirely lost when heated over a certain temperature. And to make potatoes crispy in the oven, they require heat.

Avocado oil on the other hand, has a high smoke point, which allows it to retain it’s nutritional benefits AND help potatoes crisp-up but not burn.

A few other tips for making crispy baked french fries:

-be sure to cut potatoes into 1/4 inch long sticks – if they’re too think they won’t crisp up

-do not overcrowd. This likely means you’ll need to cook your potatoes on a couple of baking sheets but overcrowding means they won’t get crispy.

-be patient. It takes time for potatoes to achieve the perfect crispy outside and soft inside. You’ll want to bake each tray for 15 minutes and then flip for another 15 minutes. Generally an additional 5-10 minutes may be required to get them just right.

Have you ever wondered how to make crispy baked french fries without them burning? Here's my trick to the ultimate french fries recipe without going near a deep fryer!

Make a meal of it:

French fries are delicious but they don’t quite make a fully balanced meal. Here are a few pairings to build-out your meal:

Let’s dig in…


How To Make Crispy Baked French Fries

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Have you ever wondered how to make crispy baked french fries without them burning? Here’s my trick to the ultimate french fries recipe without going near a deep fryer!

  • Author: Davida Lederle
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 40 minutes
  • Total Time: 50 minutes
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x


  • 2 large russet potatoes*
  • 2 tbsp avocado oil
  • sea salt, to taste
  • optional: herbs for flavoring like rosemary, thyme or herbes du provence


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Cut potatoes into fries about a 1/4 inch thick.
  3. Add fries to a bowl and coat with avocado oil.
  4. Spread out fries onto TWO parchment or silicone lined baking sheets. Do not overcrowd or attempt to fit all onto one tray.
  5. Sprinkle each tray with sea salt and herbs if using.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes.
  7. Remove trays from oven and flip fries. Swap racks trays were previously on and return to oven for 15 minutes.
  8. Flip fries once more and return to oven for 5-10 minutes depending on how crispy you like them. This time will vary as everyone’s bakeware, oven and potatoes are different.
  9. Serve warm.

*Use russet or yukon gold for the best texture. I personally prefer russet.

Meet the Maven

Hi! I'm Davida and welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a wellness blogger, yoga teacher, certified herbalist, and green beauty lover.

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  1. I just Stumbled up on your post and SO GLAD I did! I just started using Avacado Oil about 4 days ago, because I am trying my best to eat healthier now. I battle with several Autoimmune diseases! My son and I are making burgers today and I was wondering what was the best way to make/fry sweet potato French fries. I wondered about the oven or stovetop with the Avocado Oil. I appreciate your post and help! I can’t wait to try them out!
    Thank you SO MUCH!

  2. Well, I just got done making these and eating them. They were absolutely delicious! Best oven fries I’ve ever made and they were nice and crispy as well. I only made enough for hubby and I, so only used one Yukon gold potato as the store didn’t have any russets. Used 1 tbsp of avocado oil (just bought it yesterday specifically for this) and they were great! Thanks for posting this. Have you used the avocado oil for anything else besides this?

    1. Hi colleen! So happy to hear you enjoyed. In terms of other recipes, it’s a great substitute for stir-frys instead of olive oil or canola oil. Really anytime you’re cooking, it’s a perfect substitute because of it’s mild taste. I also use it as a face mask, but I’m weird like that 😉 Enjoy!

  3. personally, i like the roasted potato photos. i think they’re great.
    and potatoes is FOR SURE a hobby – you could probably try growing them!?

    1. Between Curt and I + Rhett, I don’t know if our apartment could handle a potato farm…but I guess you won’t know till you try haha! Next activity…

  4. Mmmm these look so perfect! I just got some avocado oil, I will definitely have to test this out.
    My hobbies include anything with chocolate 😀

  5. Oh, how I wish I read this earlier! I made fries tonight and it took forever to get them to crisp up. I’ll have to try this next time 🙂

  6. Avocado oil is all the rage now, and I can see why! These french fries look seriously gourmet. So yummy and delicious without the extra cost and crazy effort!

  7. I definitely share your potato obsession 🙂 I never thought to use avocado oil! I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks for the recipe!