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Hi! Davida here stopping in to give you a little context on today’s post. I am currently on a much needed vacation with my husband and we are totally off the grid. I am incredibly fortunate to have an awesome team of women who support THM and make it possible for me to do this and still run the business. I asked Tanya, my operations manager and right hand woman to step in and take over the blog for the day. I give her free-reign to talk about whatever she wanted and not surprisingly she’s full of inspiration and wise words.

Whether you’re the face of a brand or working behind-the-scenes, your work is valued and you matter. THM would not be what it is without Tanya, or Georgia, or Jess, or Emily or Eilise. Though it may have started out as just me, THM is infinitely better because of these women working behind-the-scenes. Here’s a little perspective from Tanya on what that might look like and why it’s important.

* * * * *

When Davida asked me to write this blog, I knew I wanted it to be something about my freelance journey. I thought it would be about starting out and diving into freelancing but as The Healthy Maven team was debriefing driving home from Camp Wellness, I knew what I wanted to share: being behind the scenes in the wellness world.

Let’s back up a little in my journey… I graduated from college with a degree in nutrition and dietetics. I didn’t think I wanted to be a dietitian but didn’t really know what other paths there were. So I jumped into a retail job while I figured my life out. During that year, I heard of IIN, a nutrition coaching program which seemed like a great fit. It was a way to be in the nutrition/health world without going through registered dietitian certification process. I completed IIN and was feeling inspired to start my own health coaching business. I thought I wanted to individually coach people, have a blog, host workshops and all that jazz.

Spoiler alert: turns out that wasn’t for me. I was left feeling super defeated and honestly lost knowing my place in the wellness world. Being the face of a brand is hard. Finding your own clients that you connect with is hard. I remember thinking that I wanted someone to remind me why I was interested and involved in wellness in the first place. I was exhausted to say the least.

Fast forward a few years (yes, this was a long process) and I am finally in my groove. I realized that there are a lot of really incredible companies out there that can benefit from what I have to give. I’ve worked for wellness program startups, health food startups and now bloggers.

thrive being behind the scenes. What I realized was, I can do all of the things I love to do without being “the brand”. I don’t need to be in the spotlight and honestly would be ok if my name or face was never attached to my work. I support women in wellness. I know that I am valued by them and that’s enough for me.

SO for all of you babes that are questioning your place in the wellness world or maybe don’t want to be the face of a brand, I’m here to tell you that’s ok and that there is still a place for you. You can still be in the wellness world, making a difference in people’s lives, sharing your story while supporting other business owners. I Promise. Find others that have the same passions, have a similar voice and similar goals as you and reach out to them. When you find someone that aligns with you and the work you want to be doing, everyone benefits.

…and if you’re a badass boss lady who is running your own ship, us behind-the-scenes gals are crazy thankful for you! Keep doing you.


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Meet the Maven

Hi! I'm Davida and welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm a wellness blogger, yoga teacher, certified herbalist, and green beauty lover.

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  1. I resonated with this post so so much. Degree in nutrition, IIN grad, and all the while trying to find my own voice in the wellness world while craving BTS work. You have my dream job!

    1. So glad this resonated! I think it’s something that needs to be shared in the wellness world soooo much more!

  2. This post really resonates with me! I went back to school to complete my DPD work and get my MS in Nutrition, did the whole dietetic internship shindig and am now working as a clinical dietitian in an inpatient hospital. This is not my long-term (or even medium-term) career goal, and I’m searching for more. I hate being the center of attention, so totally understand what you mean about preferring to be a “supporting” role. I’d love to hear more about how you find companies/bloggers etc. to work for and how you made this transition! Thank you for sharing!

    1. YES! Holy cow so amazing that you got your MS in Nutrition and did the dietetic internship… that’s dedication! My #1 recommendation is to reach out! Who are your favorite companies or bloggers? Do they have teams or does it look like they’re doing it on their own? No one can do it alone, everyone needs help. I think it’s a role that you can ease into by doing nights/weekends/in your free time but you just need to be up front about that with your future clients. Make sure they know that you have a full-time job and are wanting to get into this field/do it on the side and then transition to a larger role. Let me know if you have any other questions – happy to answer anything!